• Hello, my name is
    Hiroto SUZUKI


    #デザイナー #グローバル #3D #プログラミング

    A product designer with varying experiences in UX/UI design

    #Designer #Global #3D #Coding

  • Kitaete logo


    #ユーザーインタビュー #プラットフォーム #Vimeo連携

    A service platform that helps retired athletes in transition

    #UserInterviews #platform #VimeoIntegration

  • Final Fantasy YL
    30th Anniversary Project


    #プロジェクションマッピング #プランニング #レポート

    JR East and Square Enix's 30th anniversary with the Yamanote Line

    #ProjectionMapping #Planning #Report

  • Mirai Exhibision
    In Tokyo Dome City


    #体験型デジタルブース #チームマネジメント #センサー

    4 digital interactive booth for the new animation movie's exhibition

    #Interactive #TeamManagement #Sensor

  • ARchemisT logo


    #ゼロからの組織づくり #プログラミング #クラファン

    A new art & science organization presented by Tokyo university

    #Zero-basedTeamBuild #Coding #CloudFounding



I’m Hiro,
A Global Product & Experience Designer



Ariake Urban Sports Park


  • 国内外、分野を超えたマネジメント
  • ユーザー中心の体験デザイン
  • 企画からデザインまでシームレスに設計
  • ラピッドプロトタイピング




Venue Technology Manager






  • Meiji Logo
  • SquareEnix Logo
  • NipponTelevision Logo
  • JNTO Logo
  • JRA Logo
  • CanadaStarSecondary Logo




  • Olympic Logo

    2020 - PRESENT

    The Tokyo Organising Commitee of Olympic and Paralympic Games

    Venue Technology Manager

  • SpiceFactory Logo

    2020 - PRESENT


    Senior User Experience Designer

  • USTARLinks Logo



    User Interface / Experience Designer

  • Kayac Logo

    2015 - 2019

    KAYAC Inc.

    Planner / User Experience Designer

  • Nintendo Logo

    2013 - 2014

    Nintendo Inc.

    Graphic Designer Intern

  • Geidai Logo

    2011 - 2015

    Tokyo University of the Arts

    Bachelor's degree, General Arts


I’m Hiro,
A Global Product & Experience Designer

Hiro is a designer based in Japan who works with international companies from North America and Asia.

With seven years of design practice, his work encompasses mobile apps, projection mapping, user research, and prototyping.

Ariake Urban Sports Park


  • UX + UI Design
  • Design Strategy / Research
  • Cross-disciplinary and multinational project management
  • User-centered experience design
  • Project execution from concept to final implementation
  • Rapid prototyping

Problem Solving Experience in Managing the Olympic Project

I was the venue technology manager for developing the 'Ariake Urban Sports Park,’ a skateboard venue for the 2020 Summer Olympics.

I collaborated cross-disciplinarily with experts from Japan, Germany, China, Switzerland, England, Italy, Russia, and Brazil. By having open communication and hospitality in mind, my skills in team delegation and motivation exploit synergies between the multi-cultural teammates.

Venue Technology Manager

Conflicts are not often caused by cultural differences but by a lack of communication.

A year and a half as the project manager, I have learned more than just technical skills or innovations. Open dialogue and identifying core values are vital to a successful project.

Strong Collaboration With Clients

As a product designer, my work combines clients' goals and marketing strategies, bringing projects to life that achieve business outcomes and delight key users.

Your trust is an asset to me as a designer.

  • Meiji Logo
  • SquareEnix Logo
  • NipponTelevision Logo
  • JNTO Logo
  • JRA Logo
  • CanadaStarSecondary Logo

7 Years of Cross-Disciplinary Experience

Prior to becoming a product designer, I studied art and worked as a data analyst. My transition between professions enables me to envision design differently and build experiences that even children can understand.

I believe that diversified perspectives are what make a successful user experience designer.

  • Olympic Logo

    2020 - PRESENT

    The Tokyo Organising Commitee of Olympic and Paralympic Games

    Venue Technology Manager

  • SpiceFactory Logo

    2020 - PRESENT


    Senior User Experience Designer

  • USTARLinks Logo



    User Interface / Experience Designer

  • Kayac Logo

    2015 - 2019

    KAYAC Inc.

    Planner / User Experience Designer

  • Nintendo Logo

    2013 - 2014

    Nintendo Inc.

    Graphic Designer Intern

  • Geidai Logo

    2011 - 2015

    Tokyo University of the Arts

    Bachelor's degree, General Arts




Kitaete hero section


  • UXデザイン
  • UIデザイン
  • ユーザーインタビュー










Kitaete Interview

  • できたら自分の長年携わってきたスポーツでお金を稼ぎたい。
  • 社会人経験が乏しいため、オフィス業務などは難しく、就業可能な職種が限られている。
  • 動画編集技術がなく、複雑な動画や動画自体に面白みを魅せることが難しいため、YouTubeなどで動画を載せて広告収入を得ることはハードルが高い。



Kitaete Interview2

  • 月謝などで費用が嵩みパーソナルトレーナーは金銭的理由で厳しい。
  • 質のいい指導などは都内に集まっているため、郊外、または地方に住んでいる自分たちでは受けることができない。
  • ジムが空いている時間には大体仕事をしている。


Kitaete diagram



Kitaete trainer screen
Kitaete chat screen





  • 動画をアップロードすることが可能
  • 公開している動画をサブスクリプションで閲覧可能
  • チャットページで非公開動画リンクの送付が可能






Kitaete my karte screen
Kitaete home screen



Kitaete lesson screen
Kitaete trainer screen


Kitaete trainer description screen
Kitaete compared with other system






  • トレーナー登録とユーザーが増えましたが、課金につながるにはかなりシビアでした。
  • お試し期間を設けましたが終わってからキャンセルするにはハードルが高いとの声があります。
  • ユーザー1人1人に対して行うのではなく、人を集めて配信することで時間を短縮できます。
  • 課金につながらず、無料動画のみを楽しむユーザーが多数発生しています。
  • 登録のみのユーザーに向けて、トレーナーから売り込めるようにするアイディアを考えました。
  • フィルタリングは入っているため、ユーザーのマッチングが可能。





Noto Sans JP


  • 66AAA2

  • FF7455


Brand Logo

kitaete Logo



What I Learned










Training Young Athletes With Remote And Personalized Video Lessons

Kitaete is an education and service platform where experienced athletes can customize and upload video lessons to provide personalized training for young athletes in need efficiently and affordably.

As the design lead, I worked with a team of four UI designers. I was responsible for executing the project through concept to deliverable, including research, prototyping, MVP development, and finalized product launch.

Kitaete hero section


  • MVP Development
  • UX & UI Design
  • User Research


Red Horse Corporation



The Problem of returning to society after retirement

The project began with our client’s friend, a former soccer player facing difficulties in job finding after retirement. Recognizing the challenges retired athletes face was the genesis of this service concept.

Through the lens of user experience design, the project goal was to identify the core challenges that retired athletes face and propose ways to assist their career transition.

User Insights: Retired Athletes

The team started the initial research by interviewing five retired athletes from different sports backgrounds (volleyball, skateboarding, BMX, and bodyboarding) to understand their current situation and difficulties.

Kitaete Interview

Research Highlights: Difficulties in Job Sourcing

  • Desire to earn income or continue to work that are related to their areas of specialization
  • Job variation is limited due to the lack of work experience in the office
  • Due to the lack of video-editing skills and resource, it is hard to gain profit from making videos on Youtube

User Insight: Children

We conducted 30 qualitative interviews with parents and children to learn about their learning habits.

Kitaete Interview2

Research Highlights: Personal Training is inaccessible

  • Personal training fees are high
  • Quality training classes are limited and inaccessible in rural areas
  • Students are at school when gyms are open

Compatible Service and App System

Kitaete diagram

Key Feature One: Reusable training contents

On the service platform, professional athletes are allowed to sectionalize training lessons into multiple short video clips and only provide the clips that their clients need.

The service model benefits both sides by providing a platform for athletes to turn their profession into revenue while providing young athletes personalized training at a low cost.

Kitaete trainer screen
Kitaete chat screen

Key Feature Two: Affordable personal training subscription

The platform offers a feature for trainers to set up lesson subscriptions, allowing trainers to manage training plan and fees easier while offering a stable training cost for the trainees.

MVP Launch

A MVP was launched to test our initial service platform, which we narrowed down the features and collected feedbacks to improve the service.

  • Uploading videos
  • Setting up training subscriptions
  • Sending videos on private chat

Problem 1: Videos are buried

Users are overwhelmed by having too many choices of videos as the data shows that the more choices there are, the fewer users are attracted by the contents.

Solution: Interest Filter

Kitaete my karte screen
Kitaete home screen

By allowing users to set up interests and personal needs, the suggested contents to users are more relevant. All users are welcomed with questionaries on their interests as they enter the app, from which to match lessons and to filter unrelated content.

Our user research also showed that four questions are efficient enough to understand users' basic needs.

Problem 2: Sending videos per user is unmanageable

As the numbers of clients increase, it becomes time-consuming to send videos to everyone individually.

Solution: Lessons Management

Kitaete lesson screen
Kitaete trainer screen

Trainers can combine videos from their library to create lessons and offer training plans with different levels and prices. Also, trainers can view all the clients with the same class under their class page.

Problem 3: Adds burden to social media management

It adds burdens for trainers to manage another platform when they have more than one social network accounts.

Solution: Social media account compatibility

Kitaete trainer description screen
Kitaete compared with other system

A feature is added to synchronize with trainers' social media accounts, allowing trainers' most up-to-date social media content to show on the Kitaete.

After The Launch

During the pre-registration in what year, 16 users signed up as trainers. By 2021, DAU (What does it stand for), MAU, and recurring users are growing steadily for both trainers and trainees.

Our goal is to focus on DAU while executing marketing campaigns that feature influential athletes and celebrities.

Future App Features

Free live streaming

Although there is a significant growth in DAU, but students are only attracted to free contents.

Therefore, the app will add a free live stream feature that helps trainers to gain more exposure to students.


Because most lessons are free of charge, trainers are getting hard to gain profit. Therefore, we will consider features that allow trainers to reach out to students and promote themselves directly.

Visual Design

As we noticed from the beta version, a majority of the content is yoga and stretching.

For this reason, the visual identity of the app uses mint green for a sense of healthiness and bodily balance.


Noto Sans JP


  • 66AAA2

  • FF7455


Brand Logo

kitaete Logo

The logo design was inspired by the megaphones often used in sports training.

Combined with a clean and simple style, the logo symbolizes a positive and cheerful message.

What I Learned

The Importance of User Research

Conducting research poses a significant impact in directing the project as it gives us reliable and user-centric feedback. Despite any precedent assumptions, user research was the gap bridge between the designers, our client, and users to understand each other’s perspectives.

Gap Bridging Management

At the beginning of the project, my fellow team and I were challenged to quickly form the design team with members newly joined.

My previous experience in project and team management allows me to bring the team together, motivate each member to contribute using individual areas of expertise, and move projects smoothly and effectively.

Design direction, not ideas

The benefit of working as a team brings interdisciplinary ideas to the project, but only by delegating clear direction can bring everyone's true potential to the project.

It is important to share "why" you want to do it and "what" the experience should be with the client and the team, rather than just concluding with ideas.

The Red Horse Corp Staff Member

Responsible for product decision and press

I appreciate the quick development of user maps, customer journeys, personas, and other materials to create a common understanding between the production side and the client.
At one point, there was friction with the development team on the implementation part, but Suzuki-san solved it immediately, and I was surprised by his management skills.




FFYL hero section


  • UXデザイン
  • プランニング
  • ユーザーレポート






FFYL diagram





FFYL Poster


FFYL hero screen
FFYL hero screen2

FFYL Enemy Poster


FFYL battle screen
FFYL battle screen2
FFYL funtasy screen
FFYL funtasy screen2


FFYL tweet screen
FFYL tweet screen2


Suicaのペンギン広場ではツイート大行進と新宿ミナミルミのイルミネーション、歴代のFinal Fantasyの楽曲を連動させました。

FFYL tweet mapping



  • 1回目:山手線それぞれの駅でキャラクター入手
  • 3回目:同じキャラを3回読み取りBGM入手
  • 5回目:同じキャラを5回読み取り動画入手
  • 全キャラコンプリートでオリジナル壁紙の獲得
  • 全キャラ動画コンプリートで豪華景品に応募
FFYL main screen
FFYL main screen2


  • 1.歴代ラスボスに攻撃する
  • 2.お祝いメッセージを出す
FFYL battle screen2
FFYL tweet screen


Brand Logo


15作品分の主人公と、山手線の主役であるe235系を同じ一同に介し、Final Fantasy YL(Yamanote Line)らしさを最大限にしました。

歴代のFinal Fantasyをおさらいし、物語の根幹にあるクリスタルをモチーフにしました。実際のゲーム内のウィンドウに合わせたボタンのあしらいなどグラフィック面でサポートしながら、Final Fantasyのロゴにマッチする「ヒラギノ明朝」で違和感のない画面デザインにしました。



Hiragino Sans



Projection Mapping



FFYL main screen
FFYL battle screen



Projection Mapping








What I Learned






JR東日本 巡回スタッフ


普段、私は大崎駅で駅員をしております。大崎駅のキャラクターは私が高校生時代に遊んだFinal FantasyⅧのスコールでした。



Epic Raid Boss Battles Unfold At All 29 Stations On The JR Yamanote Line

JR East and Final Fantasy both celebrated their 30th anniversary in 2017. In this project, tens of thousands of Yamanote Line users participated in a raid battle on the Yamanote Line, which opened in 1987.In addition to the battle, we developed a digital stamp rally, projection mapping, tweet battle, and other collaborations on a scale never seen before.

As a planner around UX design, I designed a project that promoted "tweeting" and allowed people to report the situation to each other around the Yamanote Line.
At the time, Twitter's trend system measured the same hashtags, and we aimed to spread the project through word-of-mouth communication by tweeting the same hashtags.

FFYL hero section


  • UX Design
  • Planning
  • User report


JR East (East Japan Railway Company)



A Never-Before-Seen Collaboration Using All Stations On The Yamanote Line

FFYL diagram

We presented ideas to JR East and Square Enix every week, such as Moogle exploring the city, using the new Yamanote Line trains as raid bosses, and other ideas that were filled with love, and that were well-mixed with tweets to create buzz and move the hearts of fans.

As a result, we were entrusted with the supervision of all ideas using all Yamanote Line stations and surrounding facilities.

A large-scale Campaign

This campaign, which was developed in three dimensions using station advertisements, smartphones, and train channels at all stations on the Yamanote Line, offers four main types of content.

FFYL Mobile Stamp Rally

FFYL Poster

By reading the QR code posters displayed at all stations on the Yamanote Line, you can get all 30 FF characters of the past. Also, by visiting each character multiple times, you can obtain BGM and videos of famous scenes. It's a fun campaign that takes advantage of the features of the loop line to keep you going.

FFYL hero screen
FFYL hero screen2

FFYL Tweet Boss Battle

FFYL Enemy Poster

By scanning the QR codes on posters displayed at a total of 15 locations along the Yamanote Line, all users will be able to challenge the bosses of the past. It was designed so that users can tweet the special moves of their friends collected in the mobile stamp rally to damage and defeat the bosses.

FFYL battle screen
FFYL battle screen2


FFYL funtasy screen
FFYL funtasy screen2

”FUN!TOKYO!" initiative by the Tokyo Branch of JR East, Moggle, a well-known FF character, will happily introduce you to 30 city walking spots around each station on the Yamanote Line.

The Great Tweet March

FFYL tweet screen
FFYL tweet screen2

By accessing the special website with your smartphone, you can choose your favorite FF character of all time and tweet your congratulatory message.
The characters will march with their messages on the projection screen at the Suica Penguin Plaza of JR Shinjuku Station.

In the Suica Penguin Square, the tweet march is linked with the illumination of Shinjuku Minami Lumi and the music of Final Fantasy of the past.

FFYL tweet mapping

Incentives To Encourage Repeated Boarding Of The Train

The incentive varies depending on the number of QR codes placed at each station on the Yamanote Line that are repeatedly scanned. Since the QR code must be scanned at the station and surrounding facilities, the number of passengers can be encouraged.

  • 1st time: Get a character at each station of the Yamanote Line
  • 3rd time: Read the same character 3 times to get the BGM.
  • 5th time: Read the same character 5 times and get the video.
  • Complete all characters to get original wallpaper
  • Apply for prizes by completing all character videos
FFYL main screen
FFYL main screen2

Ideas to encourage tweeting

After obtaining the characters and videos, all users can challenge the past final bosses in the surrounding facilities and promote tweeting to send messages to the projection mapping.

  • 1. Attack the past final bosses
  • 2. Send out a congratulatory message
FFYL battle screen2
FFYL tweet screen

New FF Series

Brand Logo


The main characters of the 15 games and e235, the new train model of the Yamanote Line, are all together to maximize the Final Fantasy YL (Yamanote Line) style.

We reviewed the successful Final Fantasy games and used the crystal as a motif, which is at the root of the story. In addition to the graphical support, such as the use of buttons that match the actual game windows, we used Hiragino Mincho, which matches the Final Fantasy logo, to create a screen design that feels comfortable.


Hiragino Mincho

Hiragino Sans

Online And Offline User Experience

This experience incorporates a system that allows users to cross online and offline multiple times.

Analog to digital

Projection Mapping

We made it possible for users to acquire the main character of each generation on the original website by scanning QR codes at 29 stations on the Yamanote Line.

If you scan the same QR code three times, you get that character's BGM, and if you scan it five times, you get a video of a famous scene.

Digital to analog

FFYL main screen
FFYL battle screen

Use the characters you have acquired to fight against the bosses of the past. The bosses are located in the facilities run by Square around the Yamanote Line.
You can attack the boss by reading the QR code on the poster and Tweeting.

The bosses are raid battles, and for all users there are 15 bosses in total, two in the first half and 2 in the second half.
As a secret boss, the Yamanote e235 train will also appear.

Analog to Digital to Analog

Projection Mapping

At the Suica Penguin Plaza in Shinjuku, a projection mapping "The Great Tweet March" was playing, showing characters from past generations marching.

Characters could be submitted from a special website, and by Tweeting their messages, they could participate in the march.

Impact On JR East

Looking at the statistics of station users, the number of QR readers tends to increase at major stations such as Shinjuku and Shibuya.

However, since the past characters were applied in the order of stations, regardless of the number of station users, there were some stations, such as Gotanda station(Cloud Strife from FF7), where the number of people getting off the train increased dramatically due to popular character.

In contrast, some of the past bosses could only be attacked by entering a paid building, so some bosses were defeated in a few days and others in a few weeks, making this a project with long-term development.

Users recommended each other's passes on Twitter and gave advice to each other, which had a positive effect on JR East's sales through the number of goods and passengers.

What I Learned

Never miss a big press opportunity

This collaboration was picked up not only by the press that JR and Square Enix are close to, but also by media that we hadn't expected, such as the fashion press.

We made additional pushes to a wide range of press during the course of the project, but when it comes to big collaborations, we should have started with a variety of directions from the beginning.

Putting in a level designer from the planning

We were able to adjust the HP of the final bosses internally to withstand the attacks of tens of thousands of users. By including a level designer at the start of the project, we were able to see the progress of the HP of the last boss and adjust the overall excitement of the project by interspersing official tweets at exciting points.

Effects of digital outdoor measures on analog

Depending on where the posters were displayed, there was a problem of users staying at stations with popular characters and stations where it was difficult to find where the posters were displayed, but the burden on the field staff was not excessive due to the nature of the digital stamp rally and the additional work required.

The problem was immediately resolved through the cooperation of the station staff, but the next time a large-scale initiative involves the intersection of digital and analog, it will be necessary to consider in advance the location of the postings and other on-site directions.

JR East patrol staff

Station staff constantly checking user retention

I usually work as a station attendant at Osaki Station. The character for Osaki Station was Squall from Final Fantasy VIII, which I played when I was in high school.

I did my best to create an original station guide using the dot-drawing character and make it fun. The entire staff worked together to support FFYL.





Mirai hero


  • UXデザイン
  • プランニング
  • プロジェクトマネジメント






Mirai diagram




Projection Mapping


Projection Mapping



Projection Mapping



Projection Mapping

「未来のミライ展」会場、東京ドームシティ ミーツポート、東京ミステリーサーカス「ミライからの手紙」、池袋パルコ本館7階「未来のミライカフェ」の計14箇所にQRコードを設置し、会場内外からも本展示を楽しめるコンテンツになっています。





Mirai Oz screen
Mirai Oz screen2



Mirai Quiz screen
Mirai Quiz screen2



Mirai Quiz screen4
Mirai Quiz screen3




What I Learned







中農 稔

面白法人カヤック プログラマー




Four Digital Ways That Colored Mamoru Hosoda's New Work

In conjunction with a Japanese anime director, Mamoru Hosoda's new film "Mirai", we have created an exhibit that combines digital technology.

Projection mapping and sensors were used to recreate the main character Kun-chan's garden in each of the four seasons, and messages could be sent from a special website to the digital signage in this exhibit.We assisted Studio Chizu in this project as an official technical cooperation.

I was in charge of planning and UX design, and designed the flow of users by carefully examining what to do within the Mirai exhibition and the content of the measures to be implemented from the official website.

Mirai hero


  • UX Design
  • Planning
  • Project Management


Nippon Television Network Corporation



Designing An Exhibit That Extends Beyond The Venue

Mirai diagram

Kayac Inc. has been in charge of this project since the last "The Boy and the Beast" movie exhibition, but this time we were trying to make it spread beyond the venue.

Before going to the venue, visitors can send messages to the virtual space of the exhibits from the "OZ Support Message". It is a feature of the project that it is designed as a guidebook with a quiz stamp rally at its core, so that visitors can go around the area even after enjoying the Mirai exhibition.

Four Things You Can Experience At The Mirai Exhibition

Pre-show: The Mysterious Garden (from Mirai)

Projection Mapping

The garden of Kun-chan's house, which is a key point in the work, is a mysterious garden where you can come and go between the past and the future. This garden is recreated by projection mapping that changes into various beautiful backgrounds. This visual expression, in which line drawings change with the main story, is something that cannot be experienced in theatrical movies.

OZ support message (from Summer Wars)

Projection Mapping

You can freely write your messages about the exhibition with your favorite avatar in the virtual world "OZ" that appears in the film. Once you post a message from the special website, your avatar will appear in "OZ" and you will be able to enter there.

Figure production: Allegro

Post-show index of Hosoda's works

Projection Mapping

Using the concept of the family tree depicted in "Mirai", this interactive content connects Mamoru Hosoda's works with lines. By tapping on the wall, visitors can see images from "Mirai" and four other past works. There are a total of 180 cuts of past works, categorized by laughing, crying, and rejoicing.

4K projector cooperation: SONY

Digital Quiz Stamp Rally

Stamp rally

QR codes are placed at 14 locations in total, including the Mirai exhibition site, Tokyo Dome City Meets Port, Tokyo Mystery Circus "Letters from Mirai", and the Mirai Cafe on the 7th floor of Ikebukuro Parco's main building. There are a total of 28 questions to enjoy this exhibition from inside and outside the venue.

User Experience To Enhance The Exhibition

It's boring to just watch!


The floor of the pre-show projection mapping is equipped with sensors that reacts people's feet.

To match the ever-changing seasons of Kun-chan's Garden with the main theme, we have included a system that allows visitors to enjoy interactively, such as swaying the sunlight through the trees with their feet, or having carp come close to their feet.

Recreating the virtual space OZ in the venue

Mirai Oz screen
Mirai Oz screen2

Those who are outside the venue and those who are inside the venue can post messages on the signage inside the venue.

Just like the real Oz, you can communicate with your friends on social networking sites and have fun together, even if you are far away from each other.

Super difficult quizzes that will make you want to tell someone

Mirai Quiz screen
Mirai Quiz screen2

All 28 quizzes are set to be so difficult that only Mamoru Hosoda fans can solve them. By making the quizzes difficult, we have created questions that are "impossible to understand" and designed them to become a topic of conversation among friends.

In addition, quizzes on an idol group, an official supporter of the exhibition, are available for a limited time only.

Mirai Quiz screen4
Mirai Quiz screen3

After This Exhibition

The audience was different from the previous exhibition, this time it was mainly families. The idea based on the quiz stamp rally was a success and generated 10% repeaters.

After the project, in 2019, it will be possible to reuse the project due to the terrestrial broadcast of Summer Wars in Nagano, making the project more valuable from a long-term perspective compared to the previous exhibition.

What I Learned

Rapid prototyping for hands-on experience

In the case of a sensor-based project, it is essential to actually build it, touch it, and fine-tune it.

The key is to finish the design and materials as soon as possible, and to have enough time to work with the programmer to pursue natural behavior and intuitive animation.

Maintaining tools for the next project

For this project, we bought new tools that we needed on site, such as a laser leveler and color swatches.

Rather than taking stopgap measures when we felt something was inconvenient, we needed to determine how we could utilize it in the future and be prepared to apply it to the next project.

Getting companies with which we are familiar

The quiz stamp rally was decided as a last minute measurement. The reason we were able to complete the project in time was that we were able to immediately contact the acrylic manufacturing company that had cooperated with us in past projects.

Being able to cooperate and work comfortably with each other on each project expands the possibilities for future projects.

Minoru Nakano

Programmer, Kayac Inc.

Hiroto was doing his best to work on a wide variety of projects. At the same time, he was also working on a special project for the TV Show, and I was impressed by his physical strength.

He was limping after he had done it all. We still have the second half of the Mirai exhibition campaign left, but please take a relaxing summer vacation while you can.




hero section


  • 企画
  • デザイン





ARchemisT diagram



ARchemisT Cloudfounding




ARchemisT Members


Brand Logo

ARchemisT Logo




Noto Sans


  • 222222



コンテンツそのものの面白さを際立たせるため、フォントも主張が激しくない上に、多言語展開を行っている「Noto Sans」を使用しました。



ARchemisT Science Bar


ARchemisT Accesory


ARchemisT Gacha





What I Learned




イベントのシステムに「Peatix Inc.」を使用していましたが、イベント終了後にPeatixが個人情報の流出を発表しました。


古川 俊輔




An Experimental Organization To Explore the Possibilities of ART and chemist

Members of the University of Tokyo and Tokyo University of the Arts, where I graduated from, volunteered to start an organization that combines art and science.

As one of the founders, I was in charge of creating a comprehensive strategy that included the significance of the organization, planning, and design. We have also reformed the image of festivals related to chemistry from being uncool and gloomy to being fun and spectacular events.

hero section


  • Planning
  • Design



Bringing Chemistry, A Closed Discipline, To The World At Large

It takes years to properly research "molecules", however it is difficult to get results right away, so students have been turning away from chemistry year after year.

There is an interesting similarity between the world of art and the world of research. It is that "new discoveries that have never been made before, regardless of technology or context, are valued.

ARchemisT diagram

As like-minded individuals, we created an organization to establish "new values" by somehow combining different fields and our aim was to create a soil not only for future research, but for something that would be valued in a new way.

Raise Funds Through Crowdfunding

ARchemisT Cloudfounding

To start with, we decided to look for like-minded people. The initial members were myself, a graduate of Tokyo University of the Arts, a fellow student from Brown University, and two professors from the University of Tokyo.

Through "achademist", a crowdfunding service specialized in chemistry, we recruited members who also came from an academic background and wanted to share the beauty of chemistry with the world.

As a result, we recruited 68 supporters in 5 days and were able to launch the official ARchemisT website together with an event to discuss artists and scientists to discuss art and science with other professionals.

ARchemisT Members

Rebranding Chemistry As A Fun Festival

Brand Logo

ARchemisT Logo

We created a bold and cool typeface from scratch with the hope of making this a festival where science and art mix. It is based on a combination of circles and straight lines that resemble molecules.

ARchemisT's activities are multifaceted, and we are experimenting to see how far we can stretch the boundaries of chemistry.


Noto Sans


  • 222222


I chose black as the key color, as it is a color that can be used for everything, but at the same time it is not tainted by anything.

In order to make the content itself stand out, we used "Noto Sans," a font that is not too strong and is available in multiple languages.

The Activities Of ARchemisT

Fractal is a science bar run by a chemist. Ideas, such as capsule toys based on Nobel Prize-winning molecules, are exchanged on a daily basis.

Chemistry × Bartending

ARchemisT Science Bar

There is also a lab attached to Science Bar Fractal which is favored by chemists

Chemistry × Fashion

ARchemisT Accesory

”Kagakuya" is a brand of accessories created by Yuzuru, from Tokyo University. It is also displayed in a department store.

Chemistry × Toys

ARchemisT Gacha

The first edition "Nobel Prize" sold out 300 units in the first week and this trend is expected to continue.

The Impact Of Establishing The Organization

We received a number of inquiries from magazine editors and manufacturers, however they often thought we were illustrators or had a different perception of the organization itself than we did.

Furthermore, some of the newly joined members have too strong ideals, and in the future our main challenge will be how to turn regular stories into meaningful ones.

What I Learned

Design the purpose of the organization

When starting something from scratch, the role of the designer becomes quite important and multifaceted.

I remember having a discussion with the representatives and some other members for several months about the minimum requirements to start ARchemisT, such as content creation, writing structure, and how to attract customers.

How do we increase the number of members we need?

Having been there since the early days, I have watched the number of members grow. Communicating with people from various backgrounds, from chemists to bartenders, and even professors, artists, 3D designers, sometimes feels foreign.

We had to rethink not only how each role would be played, but how the initial concept of our team composition would change after the project got underway, and that is when we experienced the true joy of team building.

When you apologize, do it politely

Peatix Inc. was used as the system for the event, but afterwards Peatix announced that personal information had been leaked.

Keeping in line with others, we needed to address the matter quickly and in a way that would satisfy the users. We immediately discussed the issue with the members and posted an apology on the site within an hour.

Fortunately, the situation did not develop into a complaint or refund fiasco, and I believe that we were able to respond sincerely.

Shunsuke Furukawa

ARchemisT Representative

From the conception of ARchemisT to the crowdfunding project, he has been in total charge for a year. His responsibilities would include writing, designing and determining the purpose of projects. Every new member had their own principles and arguments, and it must have been difficult to control and lead the group, but without Hiroto, it would have been impossible to launch ARchemisT.